Fredrike Bannink

Fredrike Bannink on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Positive Psychology

Fredrike Bannink

Interview with Dr. Fredrike Bannink for her books 'Practicing Positive Psychiatry' & 'Positive CBT'

Positief 09 - Fredrike Bannink - Beter leven hoe dan?

Fredrike Bannink on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Positive Psychology

Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental Positiva - Fredrike Bannink

FBS Chat with Fredrike Bannink about Positive CBT/Solution-Focused Therapy/Positive Psychology/CBT

Fredrike Bannink over oplossingsgericht werken

Fredrike P Bannink University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fredrike Bannink

Workshop Positieve CGT van het najaarscongres VGCT

Fredrike P Bannink University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

drehtage winterthur 2020 Fredrike Bannink,

Hogrefe Publishing’s Book of the Month – August 2022

teaser: oplossingsgerichte gesprekken met Fredrike

Solution Focused Restorative Justice

I AM Masterclass - December 2022

What is the difference in Solution-Focused Leadership?

What is Solution-Focused Leadership?

I AM Masterclass Oplossingsgericht Leidinggeven op Bonaire

winterthurer drehtage 2020

I AM Masterclass Aftermovie

What awaits you toward a solution-focused organization?

Suicidepreventie: bouwen aan hoop!